Living with Narcolepsy can be challenging at times. But it doesn’t always have to be.
Read on for ideas and strategies to make it less overwhelming and more successful.

10 Life Changes You Can Experience by Mindfulness and Meditation
Though meditation has been around for thousands of years, it’s only now that meditation is becoming mainstream. Even the conservative medical community is singing the praises of meditation. Meditation is a simple and free tool that can enhance your life in many ways. If you’ve considered meditation but decided against it, now is the time to reconsider. Here are 10 benefits you can experience to your life.

Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation for Narcolepsy
Mindfulness and meditation are two of the most powerful self-development tools available. A short meditation session each day can provide profound results. The benefits aren’t limited to your psychology. Studies have demonstrated physical benefits, too. There is also increasing research into the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for people who suffer from narcolepsy and in this article we look at some of these in more detail.