Raphael Evangelion - Testimonial

I first came across the Human Potential Coaching of Paul Poulos when investigating various online groups regarding sleep disorders. I was in the midst of seeking various health professionals in order to address health symptoms I had been experiencing, as well as accompanying depression, issues with mood and lack of motivation.

Through Paul's friendly, gentle and insightful manner he aided me in developing mastery over accomplishing small, manageable tasks. seeking to improve in daily 1% increments. Paul's reminder helped me to make moves in my life that aided me in getting back on track mentally and physically.

In conjunction with breathwork and presencing meditational exercises during Paul's coaching sessions, I was able to reconnect with the part of myself that is organised, intuitive, driven and able to develop visions and sail in the direction of manifested dreams.

While I certainly appreciated Paul's vast knowledge of nootropics, it was his interest in biohacking that set me on a new journey of education and exploration. Through the advice and wisdom I gleaned from various biohackers and health professionals I began to alter (by daily "atomic", 1% increments) many things in my life such as molecular hydrogenated water, block blue lights lightbulbs, pulsed electro magnetic field therapy mats, brainwave entrainment lights, binaural beats, intermittent fasting, more oxygenation through gentle exercise, a greater comprehension of trauma and emotional challenges, removal of toxic relationships, the mitigation of hazardous EMFs and dirty electricity, ... etc.

I believe through the research I have personally undertaken since participating in Paul's coaching sessions I have a renewed optimism and hopefulness within my present and towards my future. I am in a much happier place mentally and physically than I was, and although I'm still going through the process of healing, I believe I am now equipped with the knowledge and tools to achieve optimal health... and I now currently seek to develop my education and credentials in the health field in order to aid others.

I am now set on a career path into energy / electro medicine and building biology. Thank you, Paul, for putting yourself out there and helping others who are suffering and seeking wisdom to help heal themselves.

Raphael Evangelion


Andrew - Testimonial