Narcolepsy Life Academy

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Beating Procrastination

Procrastination is the root of unachieved dreams and success. It's the most important factor between you and experiencing the fulfilling and productive life that you deserve. But somehow it's difficult for many people to eliminate, especially when living with narcolepsy or other sleep disorders.

It is a habit that kills your productivity and robs you of the success you were born to experience. When you put off until later what you can quickly handle now, you multiply your stress. One of the many impacts of poor quality sleep is an increase in physical, mental and emotional stress, so the last thing you want to do is add to this. The things you put off rarely take care of themselves by the time you get to them, and the molehills of your life become mountains as a result.

It is easy to become magnetised by delaying the tasks at hand. The sense that there's enough time or energy to get things done can be misleading. When living with any sleep disorder, it is is important to acknowledge that you may often experience less energy and even reduced time to do things (if scheduled naps are part of your lifestyle management strategy), however, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get things done. What it does mean is that you need to become more efficient and effective with the time that you have available. Investing energy and increasing stress by procrastinating is certainly something that doesn’t serve your unique needs. It can be the difference between living a life that you love and shattered dreams.

Instead, you can experience a life of abundant joy and peace simply by making the decision to take action on a consistent basis. You'll feel more decisive and confident, and you'll more efficiently and effectively move through your schedule.

Try these tips to banish procrastination and take action in the direction of your dreams:

There are more than enough reasons for you to go after meaningful goals. If you're honest with yourself, you can easily list them all on a piece of paper. Focus on doing something to move toward you goal today. Leave tomorrow for celebration of today's success!

By using these simple tools, you can banish procrastination from your life forever. Learn from your feelings of hesitation, but don't let those feelings stop you from experiencing the success you deserve in life. Instead, put these tips into practice today to experience a greater sense of peace, self-confidence, and control over your life with narcolepsy.